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Smart building management & automation system

Smart Building Management & Automation System

Case Study Details

Client: A leading developer of commercial & residential buildings

Industry: Real Estate

Location: Lahore, Pakistan

Services: Product Development, Data Platform, Data Analytics


A leading provider of commercial and residential buildings wanted to digitalize manual facility management and operational processes.The real estate developer came to EPTeck for a complete Automated Process Solution and a unified Dashboard with single point of control.

The following challenges were the main scope:

Energy Management System

Turn 300 energy meters with conventional manual human reading as the only data logging process into an automated Energy Management System that increases energy conservation. Time-consuming and labor dependent reading process on a large building complex with different security levels of access and infrequent possibilities to reach each area without disturbing the renters.

Water Management System

Crucial element of the building operations is the water supply. Due to manual water pump operations and the lack of water level monitoring within the tanks many problems like water shortage, pump trip and water & energy wastage occur. Furthermore, pump motors are prone to mechanical damage and would need constant motor monitoring & fault detection to secure a reliable water supply.

AC Management System

Air conditioner units add high energy consumption to building operations. The customer has many units installed in different kind of areas without a process for AC utilization monitoring or optimization. There is no reliable method preventing unnecessary usage or over-usage which leads to high electricity spendings.


After acquiring all relevant requirements and local circumstances from the customer EPTecks development team delivered a complete and customized all-in-one Automated Process Solution including the following improvements:

Energy Management System

EPTecks embedded IoT devices have modified the existing manual energy meters and are able to monitor every single device online in real-time on our customers computer screens or smartphones. The customer can track all energy events over any period of time to analyze usage trends and peak hours where unnecessary and wasteful. This real-time Energy Management System helps to make authentic decisions and to improve energy conservation through full transparency of the data collected.

Water Management System

Our solution provides real-time monitoring of water-levels in tanks, tracks the pump status and grants the ability to maintain a homogenous water-level throughout the day for all building needs. It has secured 100% water capacity during peak usage hours and monitors the machine health of pump motors in real-time to avoid failures or water shortage.

AC Management System

Our IoT-connected devices monitor building occupancy and adjust HVAC and other settings to meet occupancy needs. Automatic temperature adjustments and motion-triggered cooling optimize the buildings AC’s energy usage to reduce waste and improve energy conservation. Dashboard-based master control prevents human on-site interception of AC overuse to align with local climate & energy policies, which are increasingly enforced in many warmer countries.

Results & Customer Benefits

  • easy web-based management access
  • real-time digital monitoring & control of energy, water & AC operations
  • customized dashboards showing relevant metrics
  • savings of up to 30% energy & water consumption
  • FinTech integration with online utility billing for all apartments, each floor, common areas and offices
  • analytical reports providing better insights on buildings utility usages
  • increases occupant comfort
  • minimizes human labor
  • minimizes human error
  • improves machine protection
  • avoids downtimes
  • improves reaction time

EPTeck Smart Building Management innovative solution transformed the client’s building operations, empowering them with real-time data and automated control, ultimately leading to significant cost savings, improved efficiency, and a more sustainable future.

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